Keir Starmer (Holborn and St Pancras)

Clearly Anti-Palestinian
Portrait of the MP Keir Starmer

Labour Friends of Israel


Uphold ICC arrest warrants against Israeli war criminals 22nd May 2024

Did Not Sign Letter  

Suspend Arms Sales to Israel 27th March 2024

Did Not Sign Letter  

Making BDS illegal for Public Bodies (2nd Vote) 10th January 2024

Abstained or absent  

Ceasefire in Occupied Gaza 15th November 2023

Abstained or absent  

Making BDS illegal for Public Bodies (1st Vote) 3rd July 2023

Abstained or absent  

We don't have to settle for mediocrity.
Support good anti-genocide candidates.

Thumbnail for The Muslim Vote

Holborn and St Pancras

Parliamentary candidate Andrew Feinstein
Andrew Feinstein (Ind
Feinstein belongs to a proud tradition of left-wing & pro-Palestine Jewish people who heroically fought against the apartheid regime in South Africa (think Ronnie Kasrils, Joe Slovo and Denis Goldberg).

He was elected as an MP for the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela in 1994, resigning and moving to London in 2001 following disagreements with the ANC over arms trade corruption.

A staunch supporter of the Palestinian people, he recognises that no one is free until everyone is free, and that never again means never again for anyone.

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