Alternative Candidates

Last updated: 14/06/2024

The General Election has been announced.

To vote, you must be registered before the 18th June 2024.

In the interest of unity, we will be showcasing pro-Palestine challengers endorsed by The Muslim Vote, these endorsements are grassroots-led and are made by the respective local community.

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Birmingham, Edgbaston

Parliamentary candidate Ammar Waraich
Ammar Waraich (Ind
Dr Ammar is an NHS doctor working at the local Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

His opponent, Preet Kaur Gill, refused to vote for a ceasefire in Gaza and has towed the Starmer line, to the horror of her constituents.

A vote for Dr Ammar is a vote for...
  • Peace & Justice for Palestine 🍉
  • Investment in the NHS 🏥
  • An end to austerity 👩‍🦰
  • Elimination of student fees 🏫
  • Social housing 🏡
  • Net and absolute zero 🌳
  • Decency for all, including minorities, immigrants and refugees 🚢

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Birmingham, Ladywood

Parliamentary candidate Akhmed Yakoob
Akhmed Yakoob (Ind
A lawyer and director of the law firm Maurice Andrews Soliciors, made famous by his law videos on TikTok.

Yakoob ran for West Midlands Mayor in May and managed to secure 69,621 votes (11.7%), prompting an anonymous Labour source to make a racist remark that the party was forced to apologise for. He stands an excellent chance of winning in Birmingham Ladywood, a constituency with a Muslim electorate that stands at 42.6%

His opponent, Shabana Mahmood, shamefully abstained on a ceasefire and has remained loyal to Keir Starmer as he has excused war crimes and acts of genocide against the Palestinian people.

Birmingham, Perry Barr

Parliamentary candidate Ayoub Khan
Ayoub Khan (Ind
A barrister and Liberal Democrat councillor in Birmingham since 2003. Ayoub was told by the local party he could only run as a Lib Dem if he “hushed up” about Gaza. As a man with principles, this was unacceptable. So he decided to run as an independent instead.

As a lawyer, Khan is representing University of Nottingham students in their legal case with the university. UoN is trying to use the courts to evict students from their peaceful protest encampment, as well as seeking legal damages from anti-genocide protestors as they highlight the university's complicity in the global arms trade.

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Birmingham, Yardley

Parliamentary candidate Jody McIntyre
Jody McIntyre (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, McIntyre is a language teacher, translator and journalist having written articles for The Guardian, The Independent, Electronic Intifada, Disability Now and more.

In 2010 at a student protest against the 3x increase in tuition fees, Jody was thrust into the national spotlight after he was violently assaulted by police officers. Pushed out of his wheelchair, dragged across the pavement and beaten with a baton.

A fierce advocate for Palestine, he spent a year in the West Bank & Gaza during 2009.


Parliamentary candidate Adnan Hussain
Adnan Hussain (Ind
Adnan Hussain is a solicitor running on a platform of stopping UK complicity and the genocide in Gaza.

An ex-Labour member who quit in 2020, feeling that Keir Starmer no longer represented Labour values. He strongly believes that housing and shelter are a basic human right and supports policies to cap rental prices and help young people onto the housing ladder.

Hussain is endorsed by a group of Blackburn ex-Labour councillors who quit the Labour party after its vile response to the Palestinian genocide.

In the May 2024 local election, not only did Independent councillors retain their seats, they won additional seats, becoming the official opposition on the council ahead of the Tories.

In the local elections, Labour took 40.4% of the vote, with Independent councillors close behind on 34.6% of the vote.

Cities of London and Westminster

Parliamentary candidate Rajiv Sinha
Rajiv Sinha (Green
Rajiv is the director of Hindus for Human Rights.

He is a strong opponent of the hateful & Islamophobic ideology of Hidutva, a belief associated with the far-right BJP in India and a weaponisation of the peaceful Hindu faith in the same way that Zionism subverts Judiasm in Palestine, "not in our name!"

He stands to stop the genocide in Gaza, and in solidarity with students protesting & calling for their universities to divest from Israel and arms companies.

Derby South

Parliamentary candidate Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, Chris is a former Labour MP elected between 2010 - 2019. He was suspended from the Labour Party for booking a room in the Houses of Parliament for a screening of a film critical of Labour's conflation of critism of Israel with antisemitism, hosted by Jewish Voice for Labour.

His opponent, Margaret Beckett refused to suppport a ceasefire in Gaza and also did not voice support for suspending arms sales to Isreal as it commits genocide, or respecting the judgement of the International Criminal Court.

Ealing North

Parliamentary candidate Sameh Habeeb
Sameh Habeeb (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, Sameh is a British-Palestinian who spent time as a journalist & war correspondent in Occupied Palestine starting in 2005.

Habeeb has also served as a humanitarian aid worker for Islamic Reflief Worldwide and CHF International, as well as an envoy for several NGOs at the United Nations Human Right Council.

He is standing on a platform of...
  • Building more affordable & social housing 🏡
  • More funding for the NHS 👨🏾‍⚕️
  • Fighting austerity and local government cuts 💵
  • Championing local businesses 🛒
  • Investing in Community Policing & tacking the root causes of crime, such as poverty & inequality 👪
  • Protecting the environment and reducing pollution levels in the constituency 🌳

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Ealing, Southall

Parliamentary candidate Darshan Singh Azad
Darshan Singh Azad (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, Darshan is driven by the belief that key industries and services should be publicly owned and operated for the benefit of all, not just a select few.

He is committed to promoting peace and cooperation globally, opposing imperialist wars and interventions. Darshan is also passionate about taking decisive action on climate change, to safeguard our environment for future generations. As well as firmly believing in the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

Enfield North

Parliamentary candidate Ertan Karpazli
Ertan Karpazli (Ind
Ertan works in journalism & digital marketing. Graduating in 2008 during the height of the financial crash, he experienced first hand the difficulty that young people face in today's economic climate.

He is endorsed by the local Enfield Community Action Group.

His number one priority is stopping the genocide in Gaza and ending UK complicity in crimes against humanity.

However he also wants to:

  • Make the tax system fairer 💰
  • Increase the NHS budget 🏥
  • Provide free education & opportunities for young people 🏫
  • Push for green policies - without leaving behind ordinary people 🌳
  • Stand as an obstacle to the growing and dangerous mainstreaming of Islamophobia in the UK 🕌

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Feltham and Heston

Parliamentary candidate Amrit Mann
Amrit Mann (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, Amrit is a solicitor and has spent 30 years as a local government Labour councillor on the London Borough of Hounslow.

He is standing on a platform of...

  • Renationalising all utilities, including gas, electric and railways ⚡
  • Fully funding the NHS 🏥
  • Free education for all UK resident students 🏫
  • Ceasefires and peaceful resolutions in conflict areas 🕊
  • Environmental protections with sustainable and green initiatives 🌳

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Harrow West

Parliamentary candidate Pamela Fitzpatrick
Pamela Fitzpatrick (Ind
Pamela is the Director of the Harrow Law Centre and an ex-Labour councillor.

She is standing to end to the massacre in Gaza and wants to provide an alternative for people who are disillusioned with the two-party system.

She wants to highlight the need for affordable housing in Harrow West, rather than more luxury apartment buildings, and has called for a more humane welfare benefit system.

Her opponent, Gareth Thomas, is a supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and refused to vote for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Holborn and St Pancras

Parliamentary candidate Andrew Feinstein
Andrew Feinstein (Ind
Feinstein belongs to a proud tradition of left-wing & pro-Palestine Jewish people who heroically fought against the apartheid regime in South Africa (think Ronnie Kasrils, Joe Slovo and Denis Goldberg).

He was elected as an MP for the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela in 1994, resigning and moving to London in 2001 following disagreements with the ANC over arms trade corruption.

A staunch supporter of the Palestinian people, he recognises that no one is free until everyone is free, and that never again means never again for anyone.


Parliamentary candidate Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper (Green
Andrew is a Green councillor on Kirklees council, having been re-elected six times to the Newsome ward over the course of 25 years, having first been elected in 1999.

He introduced the motion for a ceasefire in Gaza to Kirklees council, has spoken at numerous Palestine events and has said that we should not be afraid to use the words Genocide and Apartheid.

In 2024, Cooper ran for election as West Yorkshire mayor and came in third, securing 12.2% of the vote, coming just behind the Tories with 15.1% of the vote.

Analysis of the recent local elections shows that within the Huddersfield wards, the Green party was less than 3% behind Labour.

A diagram showing votes in Huddersfield at the 2024 May local elections, with Labour in first and Greens in seconds

Ilford North

Parliamentary candidate Leanne Mohamad
Leanne Mohamad (Ind
Leanne is an activist and youth worker, a British-Palestinian and a granddaughter of Nakba survivors that were forcibly deported from Palestine in 1948.

She gained notoriety for her 2015 viral speech “Birds Not Bombs”, in which she discusses the history of Palestine, her heritage, as well as the death of her one-year old cousin in Gaza.

In addition to Gaza, a focal point of her campaign is the creeping privatisation of the NHS, a policy that Wes Streeting has unashamedly endorsed as Shadow Health Secretary.

Ilford South

Parliamentary candidate Noor Jahan Begum
Noor Jahan Begum (Ind
Noor is an ex-Labour member and the head of Community Engagement at Red Bridge Community Action group, she has decades of experience tackling inequality, poverty and improving public services.

She is standing on a platform to:

  • Support an immediate ceasefire in Palestine 🕊
  • Increase funding for the NHS and improve public services 🏥
  • Tackle the cost of living crisis and increase support for the vulnerable 💷
  • Increase affordable housing and tackle homelessness 🏡
  • Reduce crime and improve policing in Redbridge 🚨

Her opponent Jas Athwal has declared that Israel has a right to defend itself and applauded then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs James for visiting Israel during the genocide in Gaza.

Leicester South

Parliamentary candidate Shockat Adam
Shockat Adam (Ind
Shockat is a healthcare professional who runs an award-winning optical practice and has seen first hand the crisis in the NHS.

He stands for the liberation of the Palestinian people from oppression and has declared that "we must ensure that those who turned their back on one of the greatest injustices in modern times are told loud and clear we have turned our backs on them".

He is also campaigning on the cost of living crisis, lack affordable housing, youth unemployment, supporting local business and the climate emergency.

Leyton and Wanstead

Parliamentary candidate Shanell Johnson
Shanell Johnson (Ind
Shanell is an ex-Labour councillor who resigned to become an independent following Labour"s support for the Palestinian Genocide.

She decided she could not stay silent about the indiscriminate bombing of innocent children in Gaza, the racism and the the abandonment of social values.

A few of the policies she supports:

  • Youth Engagement: Establish youth centres with educational and recreational programmes to keep young people engaged and off the streets.
  • Free School Meals: Ensure all children receive free, nutritious meals at school to support their learning and well-being.
  • Public Ownership: Support public ownership of essential services such as water, energy, and transportation to ensure they serve the public interest.
  • Support for Immigrants: Provide resources and support for immigrants and refugees to integrate into the community and access essential services.

Read her full platform here.

Her opponent, Calvin Bailey, has been parachuted in by Keir Starmer and has stated his political idol is NHS privatiser-in-chief Wes Streeting. He also accused Jeremy Corbyn's past leadership of resembling "student politics", presumably preferring the genocidal politics exhibited by Keir Starmer's leadership.

Luton South

Parliamentary candidate Attiq Malik
Attiq Malik (Ind
Attiq is a solicitor and the director of Liberty Law Solicitors and has appeared on the TV program 24 Hours in Police Custody.

In his spare time, he undertakes pro-bono community work such as Actions Against the Police and sits on the board of the Luton Food Bank. Attiq has also appeared on various radio stations and TV programs as an expert in law on topics such as discrimination in the criminal justice system.

He is running to stop the genocide in Gaza, but he also wants to:
  • Tackle the root causes of serious youth violence 🔪
  • Stop the chronic underfunding of the NHS 🏥
  • Invest money in local communities (not warfare abroad 🚢)

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Newcastle upon Tyne Central

Parliamentary candidate Yvonne Ridley
Yvonne Ridley (Ind
Dr Yvonne Ridley is a journalist. Working for the Sunday Express in 2001, she attempted to sneak into Afganistan but was captured by the Taliban, spending 11 days in captivity.

After she was released, she began reading the Quran and later in 2003 converted to Islam. An advocate for Palestine and an opponent of colonialism.

Oldham West and Royton

Parliamentary candidate Zaffar Iqbal
Zaffar Iqbal (Ind
Zaffar is a solicitor with over 30 years of law experience, dedicating his career advocating for children's and human rights. A son of first-generation immigrants, he was the first in his family to attend university.

After the disturbances in Oldham in 2001, he became an active member of the Coalition Against Racism, successfully campaigning against right-wing groups and fostering peace and unity in the community.

In addition to ending the genocide in Palestine, his priorities are to:

  • Save the NHS from privatisation and demand increased funding for better patient care 👨🏾‍⚕️
  • Build more social housing and demand affordable rents 🏘
  • Ensure no child in Oldham is left behind 🧒🏾
  • Fight crime locally with more officers and implement neighbourhood safety measures 🚨

At the May 2024 local elections, Labour lost control of Oldham Council thanks to a slate of anti-genocide independent candidates. In terms of percentage vote share, independents took first place with 38.4% and Labour second on 29.1%.


Parliamentary candidate Michael Lavalette
Michael Lavalette (Ind
Michael is a professor of Social and Community Engagement at Liverpool Hope Univeristy with several published books, on the topics of Social Work, Palestine and Capitalism.

He is standing on a platform of 'Palestine plus', meaning freedom for Palestine, but also an end to austerity, defence of welfare services, investment in our NHS, grants not loans for students, and an end to the gross inequality that blights British society.

A veteran to the Palestinian cause and an ex-councillor, in 2003 he introduced a motion to twin Preston with Nablus, the motion failed despite attracting support from the local Labour MP and the great Tony Benn.


Parliamentary candidate Azhar Chohan
Azhar Chohan (Ind
Chohan is a human rights lawyer and ex-Labour senior constituency caseworker.

He is a champion of justice and equality and has had a long legal career, with his experience and knowledge utilised to train lawyers of all levels to carry out legal research on behalf of MPs.

On the 4th June 2024, seven Slough councillors resigned from the Labour party to sit as independents, citing Labour's racist treatment of candidates like Diane Abbott, Faiza Shaheen and Azhar Chohan.

His Five Campaign Priorities
  • Stopping Genocide in Gaza 🍉
  • Delivering more affordable housing 🏠
  • Eradicating knife crime and making our streets safer 🔪
  • Reviving the High Street and supporting small businesses 🏪
  • Improving infrastructure and public services 🌉

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Walsall North

Parliamentary candidate Aftab Nawaz
Aftab Nawaz (Ind
Before the genocide in Gaza, Aftab was the Labour leader of Walsall council.

However he could no longer in good conscience continue with a party that supports genocide, so decided to resign to instead lead the Walsall Independents.

Indpendents now hold 9 seats on the council, close behind Labour on 14 and a way behind the Conservatives on 37 seats.


Parliamentary candidate Imran Arshad
Imran Arshad (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, Imran is running on a platform of...

  • Building affordable housing 🏘
  • Improving Walthamstow public transit infrastructure 🚌
  • Fighting austerity and local government cuts 💵
  • Ensuring adequate funding for the NHS 👨🏾‍⚕️
  • Providing sufficient school places for families in the constituency 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦
  • Job creation and ensuring secure employment with fair wages 🔧

Volunteer for Imran

West Ham

Parliamentary candidate Sophia Naqvi
Sophia Naqvi (Ind
Sophia is an ex-Labour member who resigned in protest of Labour's disgusting response to the Palestinian genocide.

She long had doubts over Keir Starmer's leadership, as he shredded each of his pledges one by one, but Gaza was the final straw.

In November 2023 she ran in the Plaistow council by-election and came from nowhere to obliterate Labour, with enough support she can repeat that success at the general election.

Her opponent, James Asser, is a Starmer loyalist on the Labour National Executive Committee. He has not mentioned the Palestinian genocide once on his Twitter, indicating he endorses the ongoing slaughter.

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