Dame Margaret Beckett (Derby South)

Clearly Anti-Palestinian
Portrait of the MP Dame Margaret Beckett

Uphold ICC arrest warrants against Israeli war criminals 22nd May 2024

Did Not Sign Letter  

Suspend Arms Sales to Israel 27th March 2024

Did Not Sign Letter  

Making BDS illegal for Public Bodies (2nd Vote) 10th January 2024

Voted No  

Ceasefire in Occupied Gaza 15th November 2023

Abstained or absent  

Making BDS illegal for Public Bodies (1st Vote) 3rd July 2023

Abstained or absent  

We don't have to settle for mediocrity.
Support good anti-genocide candidates.

Thumbnail for The Muslim Vote

Derby South

Parliamentary candidate Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson (WPB
Standing for The Worker's Party of Britain, Chris is a former Labour MP elected between 2010 - 2019. He was suspended from the Labour Party for booking a room in the Houses of Parliament for a screening of a film critical of Labour's conflation of critism of Israel with antisemitism, hosted by Jewish Voice for Labour.

His opponent, Margaret Beckett refused to suppport a ceasefire in Gaza and also did not voice support for suspending arms sales to Isreal as it commits genocide, or respecting the judgement of the International Criminal Court.

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